Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ash Plantains for Diarrhea

Plantains contain Soluble Fiber which helps diarrhea by absorbing water and adding bulk to stools.

Easy Recipe for Diarrhea 


01 cup of light coconut milk
02 Ash plantains
02 Garlic 
04 Red onions
Pinch of Salt and Turmeric


01 - First add light coconut milk in to a pan with pinch of salt and turmeric.

02 - Then peel off two ash plantains and cut them in to slices.

03 - Once the slices are done they should be immediately placed in the pan with light coconut milk mixed with turmeric and salt. This is to avoid the slices getting discolored by exposing to air.

04 - After that add chopped red onions and garlic in to the pan and cook over medium heat.

This will give a remarkable relief to your stomach after diarrhea.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fighting Cancer with Pumpkins 

Pumpkin is a good source of fiber and rich in Antioxidants such as Alpha-carotene and Beta-carotene that help to fight certain types of cancers such as throat, stomach, lung, prostate and breast cancers.

How to Prepare Pumpkin for Your Healthy Diet Easily

01 - First cut the pumpkin in to two halves, peel it and scrape out the seeds.

02 - Then cut the pumpkin flesh in to small pieces.

03 - After that boil the small pumpkin pieces with two or three garlic cloves, pinch of salt and pepper until the pumpkins and garlic get soften.

Adding this dish to your daily diet has a great impact in avoiding cancer risks.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hair Treatments with Red Onions

Red onions can be used as an ideal remedy for hair treatments. It helps for hair growth and reduce hair fall. It increase shine and reduces premature graying. Red onions strengthen hair roots, reduces split ends and control dandruff.

Hair Treatment with Red onions and Coconut Oil  

01 - Take two table spoons of coconut oil and add two chopped small red onions in to it.

02 - Then warm up the mixture in light flame for 05 seconds.

03 - After the mixture gets settled, apply it on your scalp and massage for 15 minutes.

04 - Then leave the mixture on hair for half an hour and wash away.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Healthy Soursop for Illnesses 

01 - Soursop is used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites. It helps to boost your immune system.

02 - It helps to reduce inflammation and kills cancer cells.

03 - It is proven to be treated for Asthma, Depression, Kidney and Liver diseases, Insomnia, Gastritis.

04 - Soursop helps to maintain Blood Sugar level.

05 - The antioxidants in soursop such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc and Beta-carotene helps to prevent eye diseases.

06 - It helps to reduce Blood Pressure.

Easy Soursop Drink

01 - First cut the ripe green soursop in to two halves.

02 - Then peel off one half and cut in to small pieces.

03 - Take off the seeds and put the seedless pieces in to blender.

04 - Then add one glass of water, sugar (as per your flavor) and blend well.

Now you may enjoy the healthy easy soursop drink.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Quick Relief for Fever with Chicken Soup and Avocado 

Fever occurs when body temperature goes higher than the normal level. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 F.

Chicken Soup

01 - Chicken soup gives you the fluids you need and helps to keep you hydrated.

02 - It reduces throat inflammation.

03 - It helps to clear nasal congestion.

04 - It contains minerals and vitamins that strengthen immune system as vegetables are added such as carrots, beans, onions etc.

Healthy Chicken Soup –

Cut boneless chicken and vegetables (carrot, beans, a potato, leeks, small B onion) in to small pieces and put in to a pan with pinch of salt. Then add 3 cups of water and boil until it gets to 1 ½ cups.

This hot chicken soup will give you a great relief.


Avocados are rich with Calories, Vitamins and Minerals that boost your immune system to increase platelets.

Easy Avocado Dessert -  

01 - Slice the ripe avocado in half and remove the seed.

02 -Then scoop out the avocado with a spoon and add sugar as per your flavor.

This easy tasty food will help you to increase your platelet count.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Bitter Melon Drink for High Blood Sugar

Bitter melon helps to reduce high blood sugar as it has anti- diabetic properties including Charantin.

Natural Diabetes Cure Drink


02 inch piece of Bitter melon
¼ Cup of water
Pinch of Salt


01 - Cut 2 inch piece from bitter melon.

02 - Then take the seeds out and cut it in to small pieces.

03 - After that blend it with ¼ cup of water and pinch of salt.

04 - Then strain and have the drink.

Having this drink once a week will reduce your high blood sugar rapidly.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Turmeric Remedy for Skin Diseases 

Turmeric has many beneficial impacts on your skin as it helps to reduce acne scaring, to heal wounds, for a natural glow, and to treat scabies, eczema and psoriasis.

Treatment for Skin rashes

01 - Take a small piece of turmeric and peel it off well.

02 - Then chopped the peeled off turmeric in to small pieces and grind with few drops of lime.

03 - After that, apply the prepared turmeric paste on the affected area.

04 - Leave it until it gets dry and then wash away.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Radish to Cure Urinary Tract Infections

Radish has a powerful impact on Urinary Tract Infections. It relieves burning sensations and treat infections as it riches in antibiotic substances. Radish is also recommended for kidney diseases.

Radish Salad for Urinary Tract Infections


One Radish
Pinch of Maldive fish (optional)
2-3 Red onions
1 Green chili
Pinch of Salt and Pepper


01 - First wash and peel off the radish.

02 - Then grate the radish and cut the onions and chili in to small pieces.

03 - After that add grated radish, sliced onions, chili, pinch of salt and pepper, maldive fish in to a dish and add few drops of lime.

04 - Then mix all together and serve.

This dish will give you a quick solution to your urinary tract infection than you ever thought.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ideal Foods for Oral Health

Foods rich in Calcium and Phosphorous help to maintain healthy teeth.

01. Cheese – It contains calcium and protein to strengthen tooth enamel. It also raises the PH in mouth to avoid tooth decay.

02. Strawberries – Strawberries contain malic acid which acts as a natural enamel whitener.

03. Yoghurt – Yoghurt (without sugar) helps to avoid strong teeth as it is high in calcium and protein.

04. Green and Black teas – These contain polyphenols that destroys or controls bacteria, that affects teeth.

05. Celery – Celery is high in Vitamin A and C that essential for healthy gums.

06. Sugarless Chewing gum – This helps to clean teeth by producing salvia to wash away acids in mouth.

07. Leafy green – Leafy greens like spinach is good for teeth’s enamel as they are in rich in calcium. Folic acid in it helps to treat gum disease in pregnant women.

08. Water – Water helps to cleanse your teeth by washing away food particulars.

09. Apples – Apples are rich in fiber and water. It produces salvia in mouth to rinse away bacteria and food particular.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Importance in Vitamin A

01 - It is important in forming and maintaining teeth, bones and white blood cells.

02 - Vitamin A is vital in having good eye sight, especially to prevent night blindness.

03 - Adequate consumption of Vitamin A helps to avoid infections in throat, chest and abdomen.

04 - Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system.

05 - Vitamin A is prescribed for acne treatments and important in having healthy skin and hair.

06 - It reduces the risk of certain cancers such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cervical, lung and bladder cancer.

Foods with Vitamin A

01 - Pumpkin – Vitamin A in pumpkin helps for good eye sight and to lower risk of cancer.

02 - Spinach – This contains high carotenoids which our body turns in to Vitamin A.

03 - Carrot – Carrots are rich in Vitamin A which helps to prevent night blindness.

04 - Oranges – Since oranges are rich in carotenoid, it has Vitamin A that helps for good eye health.

05 - Animal Liver – Vitamin A in liver helps to reduce diseases that cause inflammation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Garlic to Reduce Cholesterol

Garlic is being used to decrease Cholesterol. It reduces total Cholesterol level that is the LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and has no impact on HDL Cholesterol (good cholesterol).

Simple Steps to Prepare Garlic to Reduce Cholesterol


6-8 Garlic cloves
4 Red onions
1 Green chili
Pinch of Saffron
Pinch of Salt


01 - Peel of the garlic cloves and wash properly.

02 - Then add washed garlic in to a pan with chopped red onions, green chili, pinch of saffron and salt.

03 - After that add ¼ cup of water to the same and boil all together for 10 minutes in light flame.

04 - You may have this dish once a week to reduce your bad cholesterol.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Healthy Chicken Liver

01 - Chicken liver has substantial amount of Vitamin B12 which helps to avoid heart disease, depression and dementia.

02 - Sore lips and tongue, cracked and peeled skin can be healed as chicken liver has Riboflavin that repairs and develops body tissues.

03 - Chicken liver has retinol, a form of Vitamin A which is important in healthy immune system and healthy eyes.

04 - Phosphorus in chicken liver helps immensely for strong teeth and bones.

05 - It contains high protein amounts. This helps to hormone production, muscle building and to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails.

06 - It contains iron and zinc that helps to prevent from anemia (deficiency of red blood cells).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Asparagus for a Healthy Diet

01 - It helps you to lose weight as it has lots of soluble and insoluble fiber that keeps you satisfied between meals.

02 - Asparagus helps to prevent Osteoporosis as it rich with Vitamin k and iron.

03 - Asparagus is a high fiber rich vegetable that helps to reduce high blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes.

04 - It has sufficient amounts of fiber and water that helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. This prevents Constipation and Piles.

How to cook healthy Asparagus (Remedy for Piles)


6-7 sticks of Asparagus
6 Garlic claves
6 Red onions
2 Green chilies
½ cup of (light) coconut milk
Pinch of salt


01 - First trim the woody ends of the Asparagus. Then rinse the asparagus with water properly.

02 - After that break the asparagus stick into small pieces using your fingers starting from leaves.

03 - Then add the asparagus pieces in to a pan with coconut milk, chopped garlic, onions, and green chilies, salt and boiled in light flame for about ½ hour.

04 - This meal will give you a relief for Piles.