Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ash Plantains for Diarrhea

Plantains contain Soluble Fiber which helps diarrhea by absorbing water and adding bulk to stools.

Easy Recipe for Diarrhea 


01 cup of light coconut milk
02 Ash plantains
02 Garlic 
04 Red onions
Pinch of Salt and Turmeric


01 - First add light coconut milk in to a pan with pinch of salt and turmeric.

02 - Then peel off two ash plantains and cut them in to slices.

03 - Once the slices are done they should be immediately placed in the pan with light coconut milk mixed with turmeric and salt. This is to avoid the slices getting discolored by exposing to air.

04 - After that add chopped red onions and garlic in to the pan and cook over medium heat.

This will give a remarkable relief to your stomach after diarrhea.